This week before Christmas is full of new and different celestial energies, all with a similar theme of new beginnings, supported by the New Moon 18/12.
It’s best to be serious about taking steps in any new direction and make those changes or first steps of changes that you are longing for.
So the energy of the week like the wind in our sails and helping us move forward.
Maybe even begin anew, start up and sort out your plans for the year to come. Root your intentions. Where would you like be this day a year from now. What would you like to have achieved, maybe learned, gained? If you’re up for it, you can also do a bigger picture. What’s your overall goals for example five years from now.
With all the planets moving forward this week it’s a good opportunity to manifest our desires. Get that weight lifted off our shoulders, maybe end an addiction or co-dependency. The time is on our side for all sorts of changes. If a situation no longer serves you and is merely holding you back, let it go! Sometime endings are sad and sometimes they’re a relief. It can be stressful and intimidating but trust that this is a healthy and necessary one and the universe is here to support you. So, let go and set off on a journey toward a happier tomorrow with new goals for yourself. Focus on the future and not on the past.
The week is also warm and fuzzy, candles lit for the holidays. Maybe some off you are stressing to get things done at work and home. If so remember deep breaths every now and then and please remember what the holiday is all about. Love, connection and joy, not perfection. If you don’t have time to do it all, don’t let it hang over you. That is not what makes the holidays memorable. It is our warmth, our joy and our connection and how we bond on this time of the year.
Also, not to forget to appreciate and be thankful before we move into the last week of the year.
Mondays New Moon in Sagittarius encourages us to throw out the old and ring in the new. This theme is repeated on Tuesday when Saturn makes its biggest move of the year. For the first time since 1988 Sagittarius is urging us to take responsibility for our actions (locally and globally). Make those choices!
Thursday Sun enters Capricorn and marks the winter solstice and the beginning of the winter season.
Mercury retrograde period ends on Friday in time for those holiday travels to go smoother.
Last sign change of the week is on Christmas eve 24/12 when Venus move into Capricorn. Not its happies spot but it serves as a reminder that besides parties and presents the holidays are also filled with responsibilities to our families and to those less fortunate.
Affirmation of the week; I stand firm supported by joy, love and light!
If you like to align with the energy of this Sagittarius New Moon you’ll find my guided meditation here: Youtube
You can also check out this week’s balancing energy meditation at the Meditation Bar.