Are you allowing yourself the privileges of being alive? The opportunities of love and passion, joy and beauty?
What does those words mean to you and when reding them how do you feel? Happy, sad, excited, scared?
Are you holding back or accepting all good that is nearby and around you and are you ready to leave your roadblocks behind?
The energy this week keep asking questions for our focus to be in the best position as we move into the Lunar Eclipse and Aquarius Full Moon on Friday.
Questions where the answers we are looking for comes from deep beneath our surface. Open our vision and awareness of how magical it is and where our creational abilities lie. With a purpose to reset our energetic starting point.
Questions so that we may wake up, shift and go full Monty on life.
Be open to experience something new and unexpected. Surprise yourself with new thoughts and new actions, after all we are moving within a new energy.
Yesterday there was an power failure for a few hours on the island where I’m at. I was at a barbecue and it was funny because about half an hour before it was fixed, it came and went a few times. Every time the light came back we would spontaneously cheer, sitting outside in the warm but dark summer night, like we’ve never seen light before.
When it went dark again we would laugh that it was only for a short time and continue with our discussions and then back again to cheer when the light went on.
All the time certain that it would come back fully.
This eclipse season is the same, taking us in and out of the light, resetting and testing our energy before being turned on properly. If we keep our focus and vibration high going through the darker moments the light can return with a cheer, spontaneous handclap and appreciation.
Pleas take notice and go deep into the soul questions that pops up this week, reset your focus and move forward!
Love always,