Warm welcome to day 4 in my December Pure Heart Calendar opening!
Today we are paying a visit to a modern day Hero – Paola Näslund who works as a nurse and make some beautiful pottery on the side.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank and send a lot of love to all heroes working around the world like Paola, not only during these tuff times but all the time. - Thank you!
We’ll dive into Paola’s energy station – her pottery barn and ask a few questions.
Then we go straight into a quick meditation, about 6 minutes, where we send some beautiful Love to ourselves, to start up the weekend firmly anchored in our hearts.
Make sure you have some time to be still and relax with the meditation before moving on with the day and the weekend!
Love and light
P.s remember to subscribe to my blog www.mariarinne.com/blog PLUS like yesterdays post, if you want the opportunity to win a personal Pure Heart Ignition with me. The winner this week will be announced tomorrow, Saturday.
Music in meditation - Moby LA6
Visit Paolas Pottery barn: https://www.facebook.com/brenneyia