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Energy update 2 - 8 of December

Writer's picture: Maria RinnéMaria Rinné

I am a vessel of Love and Light.


Warm welcome to a warm, festive and loving December.

You’ll find my energy read and balancing meditation for December here in the portal at Monthly Energy.

As we start with the first week, it’s an energy that is still, neutral and comforting. If you feel stressed, tired, anxious, or any uncomfortable emotions. Please take a step back and lean into this calm and peaceful energy. Here to allow you to breath and relax. Maybe reflect and start the journey of moving inwards as we are getting closer to winter in the northern hemisphere.

At the same time, we had a New Moon in Sagittarius yesterday where the energy was one of adventure and exploring life. However, I don’t see that being contradictory to this peaceful energy of the week. On the contrary, when you relax and let go, you can go deeper into the world of energies to explore. As well as the outer world. Doing it from state that is free from stress.

As usual you’ll find the moon meditation at my pod.

The week begins with an energy on Monday that may show you what and how you love in a way that feel flowing and easy. It also brings you freedom and a chance for new beginnings. One that is based om empowered foundations, helping you to process fears of going or expressing something that is not your norm.  Stay open to new ideas and insights from your heart.

Then on Tuesday you could be asked to look at how you take care of yourself. How do you speak about yourself to yourself or others? Are you looking after your energy, recharging when necessary and keeping your integrity up to date. Reflect and reset if needed.

On Wednesday it’s time to see past illusions and any fog trying to mislead you on your way. Listen to your heart and soul that is here to give you clear direction that might bring you expansion and luck.

Come Thursday your inner wisdom could find new ways to express itself, adding a renewed self-confidence.

Then on Friday, we have a new planet that turns retrograde to January 6 - Mars. Mars is the planet of action and self-defense and how you express anger. During this time look out for any lessons and situations in regards to this. Try to be a neutral observer that shifts when needed.

It also bring for your self-expression and vital force to come forth this day, with you feeling potent and strong when it comes to your thoughts and ideas.

On Saturday the energy of harmony, unison  and love deepens and meet up with innovative and eccentric ideas.

We end the week on Sunday with the moon moving into it’s 1st Quarter. A great day to set intentions, let ideas begin to take shape. Just remember to move on ideas that you started before Mercury turned reveres.

This day Neptune, the planet of illusion and confusion also goes straight, after being in revers since 2 of July.  Neptune is the planet that protects us from reality when it's too harsh. Again why not have a look at what has happened in these areas since beginning of July. Any lessons or breakthroughs?


Please remember to lean back to the energy of peace, calm and love if it ever feels to much, to quick or to little during the week.

I am also really happy to let you know that the next pod episode of "Shift your Energy" will be out on Sunday with the lovely April Ross that is sharing parts of her story of awakening. April is a writer and light worker with a passion and mission to help others on their soul awakening journey.

Apart from our pod talk, you will also find an extended talk in the portal at "Raise your vibe".

I am a vessel of Love and Light.




This week, I've used the oracle cards – Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue and two cards popped out of the deck - Listening and Friendship.

Please click on the pictures to read.


*My take on the card for the energy of the week – Leaning into the calm and loving vibe of the week, gives us a strong channel to listen. Listen to ourselves as well as the angels here to guide us. If you have any questions, why not take this week to ask, let go and allow the answer to arrive in its perfect timing.

I feel the friendship card has to do with the energy on Tuesday, that might trickle out earlier and after. Look at who lifts your energy and who might be good to be put on pause for some time. It’s not always about being lifted off course. Sometimes it is we who can be there to do the lifting. But that’s another vibe and not be mixed with the one that pulls you down or tries to keep you in your old shape. It could also be about setting boundaries in your relationships with friends, family and loved ones.

I have a few friends that doesn’t understand my choices in life for the last years and try to get me back to the way I was. Not obviously but I can tell in discussions that they preferred that version of me. Only because it is more like who they are and their references. In the beginning I found it to be a bit deflating and exhausting to justify myself. But that was my ego, wanting them to join or understand my path. Today when/if it comes up, I choose not to bite the hook and instead show them through my actions and energy that I am happy where I am and also okey with them not choosing the same way. It has made our interactions less frequent, and that is fine as well. I’ve set my boundaries from love and light and respects their choices. If I didn’t then how could I ask them to respect mine.

Go back to Pure Heart Members portal here. 



Maria Rinné Energy - Activate & Ignite Life Force & Purpose  *  Copyright ©Maria Rinné  *

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