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Energy update 4 - 10 of November

Writer's picture: Maria RinnéMaria Rinné

With love, through my heart, I greet the world.


Welcome November!

There is a wave of wisdom moving through this month as you are reconnecting deeper with your soul and heart, connected to the universal wisdom. Allowing it to expand within you, around you. A vibration of truth, clarity that comes when you connect to this energy of wisdom. It’s a warm and inviting energy, here for anyone who is up for it and willing to connect.

We start the first full week of November, with a vibe of duality in the air. Duality that can show up in regard to where the focus goes. Are you focusing on love, light, humanity, compassion or the opposite.

We have a choice each day to set our intention and direction to what our focus of the day should be. When focusing on light, love, and keeping an open mind then that is when the energy of wisdom moves through with ease.  Allowing feelings of fear, anger be the focus, then the energy of wisdom makes it harder to connect to.

So, please remember this week if you like, to make a conscious note to each day to set your intention to keep your mind and heart open and your focus light.

Starting Monday, the energy is playful curious and creative to help you focus and react out of love and light. Let joy find its way into your day and use it as your guide to your purpose and focus. If you find that hard, then maybe start by defining what Joy is for you.

On Tuesday a soul friend might come into your life, or someone you’ve known in previous lifetimes.

Then on Wednesday your soul is opening doors in your consciousness, for it to bloom and express itself. It’s that inner wisdom that is surfacing.

By Thursday your beliefs to what love is could surface for you to adjust your thoughts around this. It started a few weeks back and now continues to move through us.

Then on Friday we are asked to follow our inner guidance, our soul’s direction. It might be easy seeing this deeper soul connection that’s been going on. Showing us that old ways might no longer be what gets you going.

On Saturday this continues, and we’re asked to go even deeper into our heart and soul. To let our mind and ego rest and see what comes forth. Remember the energy of wisdom that is moving through this month and that it does well with a heartfelt focus. It is easy in our time to be tricked by information that has no truth to it and join in mass energy of confusion or fear. If this is the case, then take a step back and listen to your heart.

Love and Light




This week, I've used the oracle deck –Native Spirit by Denise Linn – Owl Medicine.


Please click on the pictures to read.


*My take on the card for the energy of the week – I feel this card talks about the energy of the month and week, that wave of wisdom that is coming through. That it's coming from within. Not your surroundings, media or other outlets but that deep knowledge we all carry that gives us night vision in darker times and a possibility to see a bigger view and the truth. Weather it’s about yourself, or something else. Go within and listen. Then greet the world with love from your heart.

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Maria Rinné Energy - Activate & Ignite Life Force & Purpose  *  Copyright ©Maria Rinné  *

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