Are you feeling the energy of the Moon about to get Full tomorrow?
The Moon will be in productive Capricorn and it's also a marginal Super Moon, meaning it's closer to earth than usually.
Any time a Full Moon comes around it's a great time to wrap up projects, work , though processes and a good time for endings that's in the pipeline. Seeing we have this one moving through Capricorn that is an organized and practical sign, I would say we have some lovely celestial help to wrap up whatever it might be.
At the same time the Sun has entered family oriented and emotional Cancer, so don't be too surprised if the projects your feel like wrapping up or organize have something to do with this.
Since we are in emotional cancer season, watch out for the possibility of acting too business-like around this Full Moon, at the expense of others’ feelings. Communicate from your heart.
I am looking forward to tomorrows Online Group Meditation at 8.30 PM (Swedish time). You can join me live through my new Facebook group PURE HEART STUDIO or if you like to chat before and/or after the meditation you are welcome to join me at Zoom via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88572885743
Once the meditation started I wont be able to let you in via Zoom, so if you are late, then go straight to the Facebook group. It is live there, with just a small delay.
Looking forward to your company travelling to the Moon tomorrow!
Love and Light,